SMR 1 point 0.18mm REVO hairstroke, scalp needle 15/pk #1106

Out of stock

Jan 13 - Jan 17


Needle on the right: The Skinmaster #1106 Ultrafine REVO-1 is the finest single needle available at 0.18 mm to make realistic hairstrokes. A tight “flattening” grip on the brow is the key to success as youll feel the vibration under your fingers. Always start in the middle of the hairstroke to avoid telltale dots of ink where you begin each hair. Keep the needle upright, not tilted, when working in the skin. You can adjust the flow of the color to the needle through an adjustable 3-way vent hole in the tip. Whether you prefer to dip your needle into the pigment or put a couple of drops in the round hole at the tip is a matter of personal choice. Youll want to practice your Skinmaster hairstrokes to adjust your needle length and hairstroke pattern. Use a white marking pencil or pen, or a black China marker, for your brow shape before you begin. Pain control? Score the skin lightly and apply Numquick Liquid (or Ultra Duration) within your lines before you begin in earnest. You can use a pre-numbing cream or ointment for about 30-40 minutes as well but you'll need to do your measuring and marking after you remove the cream or ointment. Its hard to get the brows really numb before you begin but once the skin is open you should have no problem. Set Skinmaster at low speed and either drag the needle over the skin and work with a very shallow needle and apply Numquick Liquid (or UltraDuration). Wait 10 minutes and proceed....View More

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