NATURAL is the one word people use to describe the Dixon LOV™ Technique using a 10 pt Curved Needle Cartridge in a handtool followed by carefully transferring the needle from the handle to a digital handpiece (Skinmaster 7).
The Ombré effect is achieved over the hairstrokes by a very tight stretch over the length of the brow and a brushing (skipping) of the needles over the skin. Touchup by putting cartridge back into the manual LOV™ handle with a hairstroke or two toward the midline of the brow. Less pain, controlled microblading stroke depth; softer color “veil”.
No solid or splotchy areas or lines. No slicing of the skin. You cannot go too deeply when using the LOV™ handle due to the 0.7mm depth control design.
Thank you very much, Dr. Dixon
The Skinmaster 7 is known as the MONEYMAKER MACHINE. It does Microblading, Micropigmentation and Microneedling.
Skinmaster machine
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