LOV 10 pt Curved Microblading Needle Cartridge 15/p #1055

Out of stock

Mar 12 - Mar 16


This needle works in the Skinmaster handtool LOV™ Handle for microblading FINE hairstrokes. Then put it into the Skinmaster 7 or Deluxe digital handpiece. Turn the needle 90 degree sideways to brush in soft color for Ombre Brow effect. You will see the color skip into the skin like a stone skips over the water. DHRRRRRHHH sound and lot of vibration in your fingers. You can see and feel the color going into the skin softly and evenly. I use Speed 5 on the handpiece with the needle out between the width of a dime and a nickel. Why do I do the Ombré effect AFTER I do the microblading hairstrokes? Because the effect is like putting a veil over a brides face. You can see the hairstrokes like a bride's face through her veil. Video available on practice pad. CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO Dr. Dixon This 10 point LOV sterile needle cartridge for Microblading offers you the ability to do fine hairstrokes PLUS the Ombré powdered brow with a single. Use it in a handtool or machine to get the blended effect that makes a COMPLETE BROW everytime. Less pain, Less cutting. Less slicing. Less Blood. Less Blur. Less Gray. Less tilt. All in a patented hygienic cartridge. Dr. Dixon's Microstroking Steps: 1. Make hairstrokes lightly WITHOUT Pigment.2. DAB Ultra Duration over the Brow with a cotton swab3. RUB pigment over brow.4. Wait about 3-5 minutes.5. Go to 2nd Brow: Repeat these steps6. Return to 1st Brow. Dab clean.7. Apply NUMPOT Ointment lightly and remove excess.8. Observe your brow for any visible hairstrokes.9. Do you like your pattern of hairstrokes? Direction? Curve? Length? Placement?10. Make adjustments and begin. DIP, TAP and STROKE (see my video)11. Do NOT clean the skin yet. RUB in pigment and keep going.12. At end......View More

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