SMR 5 Slope® REVO Skinmaster

Out of stock

Mar 13 - Mar 17


SMR-5SL 5 Slope for the Skinmaster has fine, 0.30 mm needles for fine eyeliner or brow hairstrokes; use 5-wide, 5-in-a-row or top needle as a single needle. First Slope was designed and used in 2001 by Dr. Linda Dixon. Now the Slope needles are a favorite of permanent makeup professionals because the color all goes into the same depth at the same time! Color is locked into the skin at a 32 degree angle. Use this needle as an angled makeup brush with the same motion so as to brush in the color. Check needle depth before you begin. Comes in 3 pack sizes. Toll Free 8888-452-4946....View More

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